Antrope is made up of:

  1. Antrope Magazine: Annual Periodical Publication
  2. Antrope Monographic Series
  3. Antrope Reports

Antrope Journal aims to promote scientific research, publication and communication, fostering a culture of personal and professional development. Antrope Revista aims to be a space for communication, dissemination and scientific reflection for all professionals, researchers and students of any academic degree in the fields of Archaeology, Archaeological Heritage, Anthropology and Archaeosciences.

Antrope Revista also aims to place special emphasis on promoting a culture of scientific publication among students, archaeologists and scientists at any stage of their career, as well as encouraging those at the start of their careers. Revista Antrope is open to submissions from all those who share a common interest in developing and applying scientific methods to inform key debates by improving the quality and reliability of scientific information derived from archaeological research.

Antrope Monographic Series will be open to anyone interested in publishing a monograph, conference proceedings or dissertation.

Antrope Reports presents itself as a publication opportunity for companies working in the field of emergency archaeology and for colleagues who usually carry out activities in this field but find it difficult to publish their work reports. In Antrope, you will find a publication dedicated to giving visibility to this type of work, which is often poorly publicised.


Editor: Sara Garcês, Ph.D. | Instituto Politécnico de Tomar |

Comité científico:

Thomas Wyrwoll, Ph.D. | Arqueologia, Petroiconologia, Zoologia – German Association for Rock-Art Research & Icono-Archaeological Mammalian Zoology

Vasco Mantas, Ph.D. | Arqueologia Romana, Universidade de Coimbra 

Rodrigo Banha, Ph.D. | Arqueologia Urbana, CHAM-FCSH 

Ana Bettencourt, Ph.D. | Arqueologia, Universidade do Minho

Telmo Pereira, Ph.D. | Arqueologia Pré-Histórica, UAL 

Luiz Oosterbeek, Ph.D. | Arqueologia Pré-Histórica, Gestão do Património, IPT 

Alexandra Figueiredo, Ph.D. | Uso de Tecnologias e Arqueologia Subaquática, IPT 

José Julio Garcia Arranz, Ph.D. | História de Arte, Universidade da Extremadura, Espanha 

Leonor Medeiros, Ph.D. | Arqueologia Industrial (CHAM - NOVA FCSH) 

Helena Gonçalves Pinto, Ph.D. | Arquitetura/História UAL - Turismo e Património 

Erika Robrahn-Gonzalez, Ph.D. | História, Arqueologia, Grupo DOCUMENTO/Brasil - Especialista em Estratégias do Património Cultural/Políticas Sociais. 

Judite Nascimento, Ph.D. | Geografia – Ordenamento do Território e Urbanismo - Universidade de Cabo Verde


Important information:

We accept manuscripts written in the following languages: English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.

Articles submitted to Antrope Journal and to the Monografic Series will be subject to approval and peer review on an anonymous basis.

Submission dates for Antrope Journal:  By the 30th of April for the July issue and by the 30th of October for the December issue.

Download the guidelines for authors for Antrope Journal here.

Download the guidelines for authors for Antrope Monography here.

Download the guidelines for authors for Antrope Reports here.


Antrope fulfils the quality requirements established for scientific journals. The refereeing system is based on peer review, in which all articles are reviewed by members of the Scientific Committee and also by suitable external reviewers, who are invited depending on the subject of the article.

It is officially registered under ISSN 2183-1386

It is officially registered with the INPI and Annotated with the ERC.

Online directory: Regional Information Service for Scientific Journals in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.


 folio nº 23611 Directory of Research Journals Indexing 
  Creative Commons  Atribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivações 4.0 Internacional.


7 . dezembro . 2017

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Calçada de Nª Srª da Conceição. Lugar da Mulher Morta (Ourém, Portugal)

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